Frequently asked questions.

Why are you doing this? are you against working people making a living from the ocean?

All of us live in, or around, the Bassing Beach area and all of us love the ocean and everything that comes from it. We are 100% in support of the commercial fisherman, and believe that they have a right to earn a living on the water. We understand our seafood has to come from somewhere and most of us purchase local, supporting the stores and businesses that provide lobsters, clams, oysters, fish, etc. We could not be more in favor of local, sustainable fishing.

Our issues is not with the farmers, or the fisherman. It’s with the location. We hope to work with the BOS to find a location that is not intrusive. That is not in the middle of the area used by thousands of people, every weekend in the summer for boating and recreation.

Isn’t this just a Cohasset Problem?

We don’t think so. Over 1/2 of the people who signed the petition live in Scituate. Bassing beach is used by everyone;

  • Cohasset & Scituate (and others) residents who have boats in Cohasset Harbor, at the Parker Avenue marina or the Cohasset Yacht Club

  • Scituate residents who live along Briggs Harbor

  • Scituate residents who put their kayak or paddle board in at the ramp over by Minot beach

  • Anyone with a boat that wants to beach it for swimming

How can I get involved?

Thanks for asking, you can do the following:

  1. Sign the petition

  2. Contact your selectman (be it Scituate or Cohasset) and tell them what you think:


      Contact Anthony V. Vegnani

      Contact Shawn Harris

      Contact Karen B. Canfield

      Contact Karen E. Connolly

      Contact Maura C. Curran


  3. Help with the legal fund by donating, contact Tim Davis for information on how to give to The Friends of Bassing Beach