I don’t understand… how is it that Cohasset can get control over another town? How is this possible, it seems like this must be illegal

The Acts of 1953 give limited governance to the waters in the greater “Cohasset Harbor (and cove)” This is water owned by the commonwealth. The act provides for oversight and governance for the purposes of safety and conservation, and nothing else.

You are talking Cohasset Harbor, but what about the Briggs Harbor, or the part of the harbor that is on the Scituate side, which does not even have a name?

As far back as can be found, every chart, navigation aid, be it private, government or state, has called the area between Whitehead and the Glades, Bassing Beach and the Ledges, “Cohasset Harbor” Here is a chart from the organization that existed before NOAA from 1948. Here is the modern NOAA chart , 13269. It is the same.

Does this bylaw hurt lobstermen? They have a hard enough time as it is.

No, lobstermen are not impacted by the bylaw. They are exempt in the Bylaw.

What are next steps? What is likely to happen?

On December 12th, at Cohasset Special Town Meeting, the bylaw will come up for a vote. It is expected to get almost unanimous approval. From there it goes to the Attorney General for approval and then it becomes law. At that point, Scituate has a choice. It can kill this oyster farm idea, and everything stays as it has always been. Nothing changes. Or, they can elect to litigate this in court, and pull in the state and the Town of Cohasset into a long, and expensive battle. If this happens, the tax payers of Scituate will pay the bill.