Petition to Scituate Select Board

We, the undersigned appeal to you, the Scituate Select Board, to protect the unspoiled dunes, salt marshes and meadows of Bassing Beach and Briggs Harbor. We urge you with this petition to reconsider the act of issuing shell fishing permits for commercial aquaculture farming in these pristine waters. Paraphrasing the words of Rachel Carson, “by acquiescing in an act that visits such impairment on an unspoiled and pristine environment, who among us is not diminished”? Are we not all diminished by the installation of an industrial farm in these waters? Would you knowingly wish to impair this environment, to diminish its natural beauty and to deny its unspoiled beauty to future generations? We believe there are more suitable alternatives to Bassing Beach and Briggs Harbor and respectfully request that you seek those alternatives and that you preserve and protect the natural beauty and environment of Bassing Beach and Briggs Harbor..

Respectfully Submitted;