The Acts of 1953, Chapter 54

As approved by the Massachusetts Legislator, February 17, 1953

The Acts of 1953 and what it means

From the Acts: In 1953 through an act of legislation, the Town of Cohasset was granted authority to enact legislation and enforce regulation access the town line, to cover the entirety of the body of water known as Cohasset Harbor and Cohasset Cove.

NOTE 1: This is a state law that was proposed and passed during a  Massachusetts Legislative session. This would not have come about, been proposed or approved, without the implied agreement of both towns. Scituate has benefited from this for the past 70 years, so it is assumed they were either in favor of it, or agreed to live with it. In any case, it’s been the governing law for 70 years.

From the Acts:

Section 1:

The inhabitants of the town of Cohasset shall have jurisdiction of common and town landings in the town of Cohasset

NOTE: this means exactly as it sounds. The people of Cohasset have jurisdiction of common and town landings in the TOWN OF COHASSET

From the Acts:

Section 2

The town of Cohasset has the ability, through bylaws, to regulate the waters of Cohasset Harbor and Cove, within the territorial jurisdiction of the Commonwealth

NOTE: this expands that jurisdiction to the waters of Cohasset Harbor and Cove, within the territorial jurisdiction of the Commonwealth. All water in the state is owned by the commonwealth. There is no “Scituate” or “Cohasset” Water. It's all Commonwealth Water. Section 2 grants control and regulation of that water to Cohasset.

From the Acts:

Section 2

Regulation includes Motorboats, Moorings, Floats and Lobster Cars to ensure the safety of the public…

NOTE:  the intent of this being safe navigation, to avoid lessening of property value or congestion in the harbor