The Oyster Farm has Started!

We seek to preserve the natural beauty of Bassing Beach for all to enjoy. For over 50 years, Bassing Beach has been synonymous with summer. It’s where we boat, swim, fish, sail, row and play. Now under pressure, our group is committed to saving the beach for everyone, for generations to come.

This website is made up of facts and images gathered by the Friends of Bassing Beach from public records.

Letter from The Friends of Bassing Beach

Despite careful preparation and review by many qualified lawyers including a former Attorney General, the Cohasset Navigation Bylaw was rejected by a newly appointed AG.  Prior to this ruling, Friends of Bassing Beach achieved a perfect record of favorable rulings from the land court and former Attorney General Maura Healey.  We cannot allow one setback to deter our commitment to preserve Cohasset Harbor.  We believe the new AG ruling contains errors of fact and law.  We will exhaust all options, including litigation where appropriate.

We need your voice, immediately, to help prevent private profiteers from turning Cohasset Harbor into an industrial farming operation that looks like the picture below.  The trays have started to go in eliminating the historical use of the area for thousands of children and adults who have, for generations, used it for sailing and sailing instruction, fishing, swimming and peaceful enjoyment.

The Cohasset Select Board vigorously defended the Navigation Bylaw.   They need to know they have broad and unflinching community support for all future actions to conserve and preserve Cohasset Harbor.  We have a short time to prevent this disaster.    Farm buoys already mark the harbor and initial trays are going in the water. We ask that you send a brief email of support to the Cohasset Select Board members immediately.  It can be a very short message: 

“Please provide all appropriate Cohasset Town resources to keep Cohasset Harbor open and protected for the enjoyment of all communities of the South Shore.”


 Jeanne Healey-Dippold     

Jack Creighton                 

Paul Grady                           

Chris Plecs                            

Ellen Maher                          

Chris Senior, Cohasset Town Manager        

In addition, if we are going to continue the fight to successfully keep Cohasset Harbor open, Friends of Bassing Beach needs your financial support.  Please consider a donation to our non-profit, 501(c)(3).  You may send a check to:


257 Atlantic Ave.

Cohasset, MA  02025

Thank you for your support.


Timothy C. Davis
President; FOBB

Make a donation.


We need your help to fund the legal and other costs. Please give.

100% of your donation goes to support our activities


Or Mail Check to

Friends of Bassing Beach
257 Atlantic Ave
Cohasset MA 02025
Tax ID - 85-0692857
*Friends of Bassing Beach is a registered Massachusetts not-for-profit entity.  Friends of Bassing Beach has been granted tax-exempt status by the IRS. Donations to FOBB are tax-deductible. Please consult your tax advisor.